It’s been about a year since I’ve put on a two day lifting/coaching seminar. Since that time I’ve thought over a number of issues and decided to make changes to my curriculum, update them to deal with problems that today’s trainees and coaches are encountering and to provide plenty of content that can be put to good use in the gym on the following Monday.
What I’ve come up with is a refined, more relevant two day event that we’ll be breaking out for the first time at Redline Athletics in Mandeville, Louisiana over the weekend of April 1-2. Redline coach, Jonathan Teague has knocked himself out to put this event together and we’re pleased to announce that after a few hitches, it’s going to take off.
It will deal with learning and coaching the lifts, fixing inherent problems that both beginners and intermediate lifters encounter, and visualizing a long term, developmental approach to training. There’ll be a lot of good content here for athletes, coaches and strength and conditioning coaches who are serious about incorporating snatches and cleans & jerks in the training of their athletes. All of this information has been gleaned from working with athletes in the gym. Since the demographics of the current lifting population has changed, so must the approach to training them.
For those in the strength and conditioning community we’ve arranged for NSCA CEU’s to be provided.
I’ve you’re interested in attending a truly information dense weekend, you can sign up at